Weekly Roundup | Craft Producers Look Towards the Post-Pandemic Landscape

In this week’s roundup, we highlight an upcoming Avalara webinar with industry leaders to discuss how recent trends and shifts in buyer behavior will likely affect craft producers. Economists predict a slow recovery from the effects of COVID-19 while wine-sales spikes caused by the pandemic are starting to level off. People of color are breaking barriers and share their struggles to succeed in the white-dominated beverage alcohol industry. Lastly, with the global embrace of all things digital, it’s more important than ever to make your winery website accessible to all. 

Webinar | Beyond Granholm: Predicting and Preparing for the Future of Alcohol Sales

Though 15 years have passed since the Granholm v. Heald U.S. Supreme Court decision, the impact continues to be felt. Recent shifts in buying behavior due to the pandemic have pushed beverage alcohol businesses to new sales channels. Join our tax compliance partner, Avalara for a webinar discussion with industry leaders to understand how these trends will likely affect your business. 

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Coronavirus Resurgence Clouds Outlook for US Wine Business Recovery

While economists predict that the recession caused by COVID-19 will be relatively quick, most people won’t feel the recovery until 2022. Some industries are worse off than others; fortunate wine producers saw a boost as consumers resorted to pantry stuffing. But once the pantry is full, what should wineries expect?

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Online Wine Sales Soared During the Pandemic. Is That About to End?

Global wine sales have been up and DTC wine clubs from across the country saw a surge of new business from the COVID-19 pandemic. While Q2 was strong, with some wineries and retailers seeing their biggest quarter ever, numbers do seem to flattening out. Is this the sign of an upcoming downturn, or just a normal summer and the resurgence of on-premise consumption?

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People of Color Break Barriers in White-Dominated, 'Impenetrable' Alcoholic Beverage Industry

The beverage alcohol industry is known to be white-dominated. When Jackie Summers launched Sorel Liquors, in 2011, he was the first Black person in the US to hold a license to make liquor. I repeat, in 2011. Shae Frichette, of Frichette Winery, is the only black winemaker in Washington and often worries that the color of her skin deters investors. The walls to entry are high and once you get in, people of color face everyday challenges with racism. 

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Why Winery Website Accessibility Matters Now More Than Ever

Months into the COVID-19 pandemic, we all wish it would just go away. While no one can deny that it has caused great harm to people’s health, the economy, and beyond, it has also accelerated the global shift towards embracing all things digital. And with one-fifth of Americans living with a disability, your website needs to offer a disability-friendly structure, just like your tasting room. Learn more about website accessibility, why it matters, and how it works. 

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